Herbs for smoking or vaporization and their therapeutic effects (2.)
What's going on? Release of the active substance and herbs absorb them into the body. Essential oils, essences, and other potentially beneficial compounds in plants occur in the solid state. The base is heated to a certain temperature is below the burning point, change to the gaseous state and, if possible, with the least amount of other impurities is inhaled. Thus liberated substances are used both for relaxation but also for therapeutic or preventive purposes. Neinhalujete smoke containing chemical substances formed during combustion, but the pure essence.
If you want to smoke herb, the procedure is clear - dry, conk and ignite. If you want to vaporize, you must purchase a vaporizer - this investment will pay off many times but. Not only will healthier, but also the combustion efficiency is higher in this case. On the following pages we present examples vaporizovaných most plants.
Favorite soothing herb is often used also to tea blends. Relieves nervous tension, calms palpitations, respiratory and digestive organs. It is excellent for promoting and improving the quality of sleep. Renowned physician and scientist Paracelsus called it the elixir of life.
It contains an antibacterial substance. It helps with respiratory problems, facilitates expectoration, has antiseptic properties. It is also used to stimulate the body and increase energy.
It is used in asthma, gastric colic, and excessive flatulence. The herb is also good for the liver and gallbladder. Accelerates healing catarrh (inflammation) of the bronchi (bronchitis), influenza, tonsillitis and bronchitis.
It cleanses the blood, aids digestion, promotes sweating and urination, stimulating effect. Especially through use dandelion as a means of beautification (masters course also allowed to use). In addition to mineral salts also contains active substances which are important in treating diseases of metabolism (metabolism).
The article used materials from the site hulici.cz, vaporizer-club.cz, vaporizujeme.cz, bylinkyprovsechny.cz and magazin-legalizace.cz (Jane Jesenská).
Herbs for smoking or vaporization and their therapeutic effects (3.)
Herbs for smoking or vaporization and their therapeutic effects (1.)